Our Process

Your next move doesn’t have to feel intimidating. Our services make it easy to navigate the difficult tasks and emotions that come with the transfer to a new living situation.

Here’s how we work with you.

Creating A Settlement Plan

We get to know you and your unique circumstances, carefully listen to your concerns and expectations, and review payment options. Our goal is to make the process transparent, so you have a clear path to your desired outcome.

Sorting Your Belongings

We gently help you sort through your possessions and envision the layout of your new space. The items you want to keep are carefully packaged, and other items of value are identified for sale.


You are the first priority in the relocation phase, and we can prepare your residence with optional remodeling and decorating services. Your current home will be emptied deliberately and efficiently, and your possessions will be transported and unpacked in an organized manner. Anything that remains will be sold or removed for donation or disposal.

Selling Personal Property

Through our auctions or other sales channels, we make it simple to convert unwanted assets to cash. We can arrange for shipping or transportation of large items, making purchases easy for buyers.

Marketing and Selling Your Home

Before placing your home on the market, we offer cleaning, painting, staging or other services to help you capture the highest price. Our real estate professionals will handle the entire transaction process.

Financial Counseling

To support your continued success, complimentary financial or wealth management counseling is made available through On-Point Financial Services.

Get Started

We’re with you all the way. Leave your worries behind and learn how smooth the journey to your next phase of life can be.